Friday, August 13, 2010

Last Part of Terrain

So on Tuesday I dropped off the eight pieces of FW terrain and picked up the last 3 huge ones. These last ones are just huge one of them is the FW Factory piece that they had with the extension to make it even taller. Work has started on these three and this set started kinda roughly...

The guy that I am doing this for glues down all his metal miniatures and resin with some weird orange glue that is similar to rubber glue and when I went to clean the release agent off of the resin the glue lost its hold and everything came apart. So I had to scrape, peel, and cut off all the glue then re-glue and pin everything on. I didn't fix the warping that all 3 of the bases had but he had told me they were fine as is. I also took the time to clean out the windows that he hadn't as well as fix all of the walkways which were glued on and ever even had the extra parts clipped off.

After doing all of that and gluing everything back together I primed everything and started the base coats to it all. There is quite a bit more detail in these pieces. But it will be a fun challenge to finish. When I finish I plan on finishing the two Warjacks for the Cryx Faction that I have left over so they will be done and I can move on from there. I did finish the Warwitch Siren and will get some pictures posted soon enough.

Oh also I did finally get in the Repressor Kits that I ordered from someone. So I now have 4 Repressor kits but im missing one bulldozer blade! I will have to figure that one out.

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